The Mobilecast
The Mobilecast is a podcast about mobile, mobile technology and the enterprise. While it will touch on consumer issues with mobile and also IoT, it's main focus is on all things relating to mobility in the enterprise. Brian Katz is your host and talks with startups, established companies, and enterprise IT about being mobile in today's digital world.
The Mobilecast
The Mobilecast #307 – S3 Ep07 Rob Tiffany, Mobile, IoT and Microsoft
Brian Katz
Brian talks with Rob Tiffany, technology lead for IoT at Microsoft. They start by reminiscing about the original mobile devices they both used and then Rob talks about being a submariner during the gulf war and learning to program, from how he went from OS2 to Access and lock in. They talk Window Mobile and then Rob talks about the launch of Windows Phone 7, the issues from it, and how it set the stage for Microsoft moving forward. They move to building mobile apps and then Rob talks about the book he’s written on mobile strategy. They then talk about Rob’s role as technology lead for IoT at Microsoft and how it relates to mobile.Twitter: @robtiffany